First day of parental leave, pt. 4


No, this isn’t me at home. Our house isn’t big enough for anyone to have their own space (unless they try to lock the bathroom door which doesn’t lock).

Prior to today there were things I could only witness and experience on my days off. Now, thanks to the advent of parental leave, I can be here to experience all of them.

Last night, after returning from the hospital with my mother-i.l. and sister-i.l. (for more info, read here and here) I was wide awake, so I stayed up and played some games until I started yawning. That’s pretty similar to the way things would’ve been on a work day. Today, however, my newborn daughter was crying, so I was able to hold her and soothe her to a sleep-like state (that she promptly woke from the minute she heard her mother’s voice).

This morning I got up at 9:45 and went to work on my online employment insurance application (for information on that, read here). I grabbed some leftovers for breakfast while my middle daughter watched Wall-E and ate crackers on the couch, my wife busy sleeping alongside our newborn.

At present, I’m typing this blog on WordPress, the post that I’ll put on my personal site and Facebook in mere moments. My oldest daughter is at school until this afternoon, and my middle daughter is watching Ratatouille with Grandma and Auntie. Even though it may not seem like much, it’s certainly nice to be here for it.

This afternoon I plan to crush some more bricks for our patio (read here) if the weather stays nice, and this evening I’ll be taking part in a webinar sponsored by DiscMakers. Today has all the makings of a great day – time with family, time for recreation and time for individual pursuits. I’m so glad that I’m able to take advantage of this opportunity.

photo credit: slworking2 via photopin cc

2 responses

  1. Good for you Andrew! I’m glad that you have this opportunity to spend time at home with your wife and kids 🙂 I’ve never regretted choosing to be a SAHM and self-employed so that I could be there for my kids as much as possible.

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